On primary election day in Missouri, top roaming reporter
Debbie Turner was on the scene in Platte County, at the Seven Bridges clubhouse
turned polling place.
Numerous (three) people lined the sidewalk outside, all
holding signs saying THIS IS CRUZ COUNTRY. Another man held a clipboard and
asked voters if they’d like to sign something about sales tax for small
business and something else about demanding to know where politicians get their
money. “You know, so you can sleep at night,” he said.
Debbie caught up with Marjorie Hill as she left the
building, who said, “Damn, if signing those papers will help me sleep, I’m in.
Ain’t had a night’s rest in a coon’s age."
When asked about the lines inside, Mrs. Hill said, “They ain’t
no lines. Twelve people in there, and ten of ‘em are checkin’ ID for the two
voters. Mrs. Hill then pointed to the Cruz signs and added that she wished she
could vote over at the First Baptist, “where they serve cookies and coffee
instead of this crap.”