
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Free T-Shirts

Check out my Writer's Relief badge over there. There - to the right... If you post one of their badges on your site for 30 days, Writer's Relief will send you a free writing themed T-shirt. Maybe it has to be a writing related site. I can't imagine they'd send a shirt to the owner of "Hottest Cafeteria Ladies on Campus" or "101 Previously Unknown Uses for Dog Doo" but who knows.

Yeah baby! You clothe my back, I'll promote yours. Marketing. Christina Katz over at Writers on the Rise is talking a lot lately about marketing. Face it, there's more satisfaction to writing if people are reading what you write. It gets way better too, when people are willing to pay for what you write, and then if they point others to you too, well, jackpot.

In other words, if you don't do some shameless marketing, whether giving away t-shirts or hitting the dusty trail to speak about your book or somehow getting the word out that you write whatever you write, aint nobody gonna read it but your mama. Or in my case my kid.

So yes, Writer's Relief, I'll post your badge! Yes, Christina, I'll tell everyone how fabulous I think you are! Because we all need promotion. Sidebar: I would not recommend promoting not so good peoples... be selective. Writer's Relief has lots of valuable information for writers on their site, and Christina Katz is like, well, if we could call an 866 number to vote on our favorite writer idol, I'd dial. Check out the May/June issue of Writer's Digest for her article "Build Your Power Platform," part of a 20 page spread on how to stand out to agents and editors.

Now there's something I need to read. Wonder if they'll give me a t-shirt.

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